Outsourcing telemarketing services offers businesses a practical solution to the challenges faced in a highly uncertain economy. Generally a company will choose to outsource telemarketing services to ...

Outsourcing Telemarketing Services - 6 Benefits For Your Company

Outsourcing telemarketing services offers businesses a practical solution to the challenges faced in a highly uncertain economy.  Generally, a company will choose to outsource telemarketing services to improve its competitiveness, performance, and profitability.  It can be a valuable component in a business’ sales and marketing strategy because it serves to quickly identify prospective customers and awaken a new interest in existing customers.  Also, you may find that the benefits of outsourcing telemarketing services offer a better solution than trying to manage it solely with your internal resources.

So, let’s discuss the benefits and related factors you should consider before moving forward outsourcing telemarketing services of your company.

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Outsourcing Telemarketing Services Overview

As previously mentioned, there are a variety of potential benefits to outsourcing telemarketing services for your company. However, before starting you should ask yourself the most basic of questions:  Why are you considering outsourcing?

Outsourcing Telemarketing Services – Why Do It?

Answer this question to help guide you in defining what goals you want your business to achieve and what you want from your telemarketing provider. For example your company goals might be:

  • Cut Marketing And Sales Costs – How much, where, and when?
  • Free Up Company Staff – How will your staff be adjusted?
  • Increase New Customers – What metrics will you use to measure success?
  • Increase Customer Retention – How is it currently being measured and where does it need to improve?

So, once you have thought this through, here are some of the primary benefits of outsourcing telemarketing services for your company.

Outsourcing Telemarketing Services - Why Do It?

Outsourcing Telemarketing Services Benefits

As mentioned outsourcing telemarketing services offers a variety of potential benefits to your company.  Accordingly, based on WHY you choose to outsource and WHAT function(s) you outsource will determine which benefits are most relevant and important to you.

1 – It Is Cost-Effective

Outsourcing telemarketing services is often cost-effective for companies with limited experience and sales/marketing resources.  Because telemarketing campaigns may be initially small (think pilot-project) requiring only a small budget and investment of resources.

Start-up time for telemarketing services is less than conventional marketing options like print advertisement and direct mail.  Consequently, fast completion and review of the results help you determine whether outsourcing telemarketing services are cost-effective and produce the results your business requires.

The telemarketing services provider may offer a performance-based fee structure after completing the initial pilot project.  For example, your company costs may be a fee per qualified contact, qualified sales appointment, etc.

As a result, this allows your company to manage costs and provides clear metrics of the telemarketing campaign’s outcome and return-on-investment.

For this type of performance-based cost structure to work requires transparency and profitability for both parties.  Contrarily this is not available with alternative marketing options  like direct mail and print advertisement.

Telemarketing Services Are Cost Effective

2 – It Offers Rapid Feedback

There is no substitute for the sound of a human voice on a telephone call.  Simply, other than a personal handshake, it is the most direct means of marketing contact with an existing or perspective customer.

Outsourcing telemarketing services to promote your company provides an immediate measure of interest in your products or services.  Basically, this direct, unfiltered communication between the telemarketing representative and the sales contact provides quick responses.  For example, these include their questions, needs, decision-making process, and level of interest.

Outsourcing telemarketing services to contact existing and prospective customers helps to differentiate your business from competitors.  Regardless of the type of customer, a business (B2B) or a consumer (B2C),  gaining an understanding of their needs and satisfaction creates greater customer loyalty   Consequently this helps create a barrier for your competition.

Also, you build rapport with your customers and create a personalized relationship which helps customizing your products and services.

Telemarketing Services Offers Rapid Market Feedback

3 – It Expands Business Rapidly

Your company can quickly expand by outsourcing telemarketing services to generate sales lead prospects and appointments.  Specifically your sales staff focuses on converting prospects to customers, that rapidly result in incremental sales revenue.

As your customer base expands, your sales personnel will require dedicating more time and resources to new customer retention which adds to increasing sales revenue.  Since there are an ebb and flow between new customer recruitment and existing customer retention, your staffing, financial resources and priorities will need to be in balance.

Your existing customers may not have bought your products or services for some time.  Basically, they are dormant or inactive and not generating revenue.

Outsourcing telemarketing services allow you to engage these types of customers with messages of appreciation and special offers to reactivate their interest level in your company.  Basically, start generating revenue again.

Telemarketing provides instant feedback as to why they are not currently active customers.   Also, it offers new sales opportunities and potential referrals as well.

You already know who they are.  Like jewelry they need to be periodically polished, so find out why they are not generating business for you.

Telemarketing Services Expand Business Rapidly

4 – It Increases Company Efficiency

Outsourcing telemarketing services allows your company is able to leverage their resources and experience to increase efficiency of operations.   Generally there is a reduction in costs and increased quality versus investing in telemarketing activities internally.

This should not be difficult to understand.  In brief, this is because the telemarketing provider’s investments in equipment, technology, training, and staffing cannot be justified by most companies since that is not their primary business focus.

Depending upon your business sales process, your internal marketing and sales personnel should focus on converting qualified sales prospects to customers rather than searching and filtering for prospects.  Because streamlining your company’s internal sales process results in more sales conversions and lowers the cost of customer acquisition.

A major benefit of outsourcing telemarketing services is the real-world experience gained by a history of multiple clients.  Accordingly your company personnel benefits from this knowledge to improve their productivity and efficiency to focus on other core areas of business.

Outsourcing Telemarketing Services Increase Company Efficiency

5 – It Expands Market Reach

Generally businesses are limited is their market coverage due to resources. For example, these resources may be technology, knowledge, personnel, time, finances, etc.  Accordingly outsourcing telemarketing services can help supplement these resource limitations, with a low level investment and risk.

If your business market is primarily local, outsourcing telemarketing services allow you trial and expansion, zip code by zip code.  Consequently, your company staff and resources can be stretched in a manageable fashion as you increase customers and sales.

Where telemarketing is successful you can repeat this as your company resources allow.  Otherwise, review, adjust or switch the marketing strategy.

For your existing customers, new products and services can be marketed by telemarketing.  Meanwhile this provides the opportunity of incremental sales and new customer referrals that expand the reach of your sales staff.

Telemarketing Expands Market Reach

DISCLOSURE: Nexus Teleservices is a Nearshore Outsourcing Telemarketing Services business provider.

6 – It Provides Measurable Results

Outsourcing telemarketing services should have identified business goals that can be measured.  Particularly both qualitative and quantitative goals are used since telemarketing services lend itself to highly measurable results.

Using the data provided by your telemarketing provider, plus your internal company data, you can adjust your strategies and investments to offer the highest return on investment.

Here are some basic telemarketing quantitative goal metrics:

  • Calls/Telemarketing Representative Hour
  • Contacts/Telemarketing Representative Hour
  • Qualified Leads/Telemarketing Representative Hour
  • Cost/Qualified Lead
  • New Customer Conversions/Qualified Leads
  • Cost/New Customer

You should not be surprised if your company does NOT have similar in-house data to allow for comparison.

Telemarketing Services Provide Measureable Results

Outsourcing Telemarketing Services Conclusion

Outsourcing telemarketing services work.   Generally a company chooses to outsource telemarketing services to improve it’s competitiveness, performance and profitability.

Outsourcing telemarketing services are cost-effective, provide rapid feedback, expands business rapidly, improve business efficiency, increases market reach, and offer clear measurable results.  Also, it is the right way of testing new products and can be a fast way of acquiring new customers.

Please call us at (888) 339-6699 to discuss how our call center telemarketing services will serve your business needs or Contact Us.