Outsourcing solar power call center services is a business strategy for a solar contractor or company to lower costs, improve efficiency, profitability, and revenue.

Solar Power Call Center Services - Increase Appointments, Installations And Revenue

Outsourcing solar power call center services is a business strategy for a solar contractor or company to lower costs, improve efficiency, profitability, and revenue. Generally these outsourcing services include inside telesales, back office support, and customer service functions.  Accordingly, they serve a solar company by streamlining the sales cycle, producing more pre-qualified installations, increasing revenue, and profitability. In short, using call center outsourcing services improves the process of finding and converting solar prospects into your company’s future revenue.

So, let’s discuss the various solar power call center services and how you can take advantage of them to improve your company’s solar business.

Why Use Solar Power Call Center Services

Whether your solar energy company is a small local contractor or a regional network, you should be focused on business development, not administrative activities. Basically, outsourcing solar energy call center services gives you more time for planning, closing sales, and growing your solar energy business.

An outsourcing strategy offers a variety of potential benefits to your solar company.  So, depending upon WHY you choose to outsource will determine which benefits are most relevant and important to you.

Solar Power Call Center Outsourcing Services

DISCLOSURE: Nexus Teleservices is a Nearshore Solar Power Call Center Outsourcing Services business provider.

1 – Solar Power Call Center Services | Administration And Customer Service

Your solar power business is likely seasonal, but constantly in contact with the outside world. So the solar power call center inside telesales team handles the basic communications (day or night) with pre-sales prospects, ongoing installation inquiries, and post-sales customers. Additionally, this now includes your in-house sales staff, often remotely working-at-home. Consequently, outsourcing solar power services allows you and your remote in-house staff to be more productive while a potential solar sales opportunity doesn’t fall through the cracks.

A solar business is always processing paperwork, both physical and electronic. Correspondingly, solar power call center services assist in preparing and electronically filing paperwork. Also scheduling of meetings with your field sales installers to ensure no conflicts.

One of the primary goals of outsourcing solar power call center services is to better organize the use of time and resources. As a result, this allows greater focus on the more important functions that will contribute to the success of your solar business.

Following are various solar power administrative, inside telesales, and customer service activities:

  • Telephone Support (Inbound, Outbound, Gatekeeper)
  • Correspondence Handling (Email, Social Media, and Chat)
  • General, Pre-Sales, Post-Installation, And Maintenance Inquiries
  • Coordinating Meetings And Administering Calendars
  • Organizing Networking And Marketing Activities

Solar Power Administration

2 – Solar Power Call Center Services | Leads Generation

Solar power leads generation services take a variety of forms, consume time, and require lots of effort. Specifically, solar power prospect leads can result from cold calling, neighborhood canvassing, website inquiry forms, inbound telephone calls, social media, events, and more.

These solar power prospect leads lose their value if they are not converted to sales appointments. So, solar power call center leads generation services includes the activities to move them through the sales funnel, to then get closed by the field sales staff.

The solar power business is all about installations, and more installations. So, where does solar power call center leads generation services fit in? Specifically, it is related to leads prospecting, qualification, follow up, and supporting your in-house sales team closing the qualified prospects.

The following are various solar power leads generation activities:

  • Cold Calling Residential and Business Property Owners.
  • Advertising Placement In Local And Social Media.
  • Pre-qualifying Telephone Inquiries.
  • Responding To Social Media And Event Contacts.
  • Virtual Inspection Of Property Solar Power Feasibility.
  • Data Entry And Follow-Up Of Prospect Information.

Prospect Leads Generation

3 – Solar Power Outsourcing Services | Appointment Setting

Appointment setting is one of the most difficult parts of business development and is a major challenge to growing your solar power company. Because new sales won’t be possible without first directly speaking to a prospect.

As the company owner you should be more focused on your in-house sales team closing more installations and not making cold calls. Rather, this is the job of an appointment setter. Consequently, if more time is spent on appointment setting rather than selling, YOUR SALES TEAM ARE NOT SELLING. Basically, solar power call center outsourcing gives you more opportunities and time to close sales.

Some of the primary benefits of solar power call center appointment setting services are discussed below.

Speeds Up The Sales Cycle

If you are setting your own appointments you could be spending more than 50% of your time generating leads and scheduling site visits with potential clients. Instead, by outsourcing appointment setting services, you can double your time spent in face-to-face site-visits and increase the number of installation closings.

Additionally, using call center outsourcing services result in appointments with pre-qualified property owners who are genuinely interested in your services. So, your in-house sales will be easier, your team will be more motivated and, you will close more sales.

Keeps Your Sales Pipeline Full

Your sales pipeline starts with prospects that need to be found, then qualified (leads), and then converted to sales appointments. When you focus on lead generation, you are not converting to sales appointments. Conversely, when you are converting sales appointments, you are not focusing on lead generation.

Both sales activities need to be done on a balanced, consistent basis. Consequently, you probably use your limited time focusing on closing immediate deals. Accordingly, using call center appointment setting services keeps the sales pipeline growing with leads. While you keep focused on sales appointments most likely to convert to installations.

Is Scalable And Cost Effective

Solar power appointment setting services is often cost-effective for an in-house sales representative with limited experience and sales/marketing resources. For example, start-up time for appointment setting services is less than investing in in-house staff, considering recruitment, training, facilities, and technology acquisition.

A solar power outsourcing provider can scale services according to the demands of your business and budget. For example, let’s say you want to start with a small pool of prospects in a new territory and gauge the results first. Then, you can grow as they can scale up their services.

Provides Measurable Results

Solar power call center appointment setting services provide measurable business goals. Particularly both qualitative and quantitative goals are used since appointment setting lends itself to highly measurable results.

Appointment Setting Outsourcing Services

4 – Solar Power Center Services | Benefits

Solar power call center outsourcing sets the foundation for the long-term, mutually-beneficial relationship between you and your target audience. Consequently, it helps your company gain more new customers, maximize revenue, learn more about your customer base, and more. Also, you save time and money while focusing on closing installations instead of prospecting for leads.

Outsourcing solar power services allows your company to benefit in a variety of ways:

  • Save Money By Lowering Customer Acquisitions.
  • Improve Efficiency Of Your Sales Process.
  • Gather Information Of Your Target Audience.
  • Contact Commercial And Consumer Markets Alike.
  • Save Time And Focus On Core Business Tasks.
  • Improve Company Profitability And ROI.

Solar Power Call Center Outsourcing Services Summary

Solar Power Call Center Services Conclusion

Solar power call center outsourcing services work.   Basically, a solar business owner chooses to outsource to increase installations, revenue and profitability.  In short, to do so is a wise business strategy.

Solar power outsourcing services streamlines the sales process, keeps the sales pipeline full, is scalable, cost-effective, and offers measurable results. Consequently, by focusing on core business development, your company is more likely to achieve long-term success.

Please call us at (888) 339-6699 to discuss how our solar power call center outsourcing services will serve your business needs or Contact Us.