Real estate virtual assistant benefits can and should be used to help you grow your real estate business.

Real Estate Virtual Assistant Benefits

Real estate virtual assistant benefits can and should be used to help you grow your real estate business.  Because, if you’re a superstar real estate agent, you’re super BUSY, but not necessarily super PRODUCTIVE. So, you should use a virtual assistant (VA) for those activities that prevent you from being super productive and growing your real estate business.

Since you can’t do every task a real estate business requires, you need to prioritize your most important asset, your time.  Basically, leveraging real estate virtual assistant benefits allows you to focus on personal productivity and a healthy lifestyle balance.

As a business owner, you understand the range of tasks required to grow a successful real estate agency. For example, answering the telephone, administration, prospecting, property management, marketing coordination, and the list just goes on.  Consequently, many necessary but “lower-skill” tasks take time and distract you and your staff from what will produce more sales and money.


Successful real estate business owners leverage virtual assistant benefits so that they can focus more on productive tasks and business opportunities.  So, let’s discuss a variety of real estate virtual assistant benefits that will help you grow your business while setting the proper balance of your superstar professional and personal lifestyles.

Real Estate Virtual Assistant Benefits Overview

Let’s review some basics about virtual assistant services.  Generally, a virtual assistant (VA) is normally an independent contractor who provides services to one or more business clients from a remote location.  Specifically, as related to the real estate industry, VA activities can be broad in scope, but can be categorized as administrative, creative and technical in nature.

You should NOT confuse a real estate virtual assistant with an Independent Sales Agent (ISA). Rather, a real estate VA should complement an ISA, improving productivity and sales opportunities.  Since your real estate business is all about sales, your real estate VA should be viewed as an extension of your inside sales team.

How do you hire a virtual assistant for your real estate business?  When you decide to hire a virtual assistant, you are deciding to outsource some function(s) of your real estate business. Accordingly, whether your business is a one-person shop, a small team starting out, or an established company, this decision requires thought, planning, and execution.

Start By Getting Your House In Order

The basic credo is to start at the beginning and define the WHAT. Basically, what are your business needs, the means, the expectations, the concerns, the risks, and the time-frame?  Because answering this basic question helps you decide whether using a virtual assistant is aligned and fits what your real estate business needs.

If real estate virtual assistant benefits fit the WHAT, you then need to define the scope and functional role of the VA:

  • Start with a clear functional description of the role, relationship with internal staff, requirements, skills, and work experience, etc.
  • Define the specific VA role responsibilities and means of evaluating.
  • Specify stages of VA role transition based on accumulated experience, short and long-term.
  • Provide transparency in your communication with a VA, setting the proper expectations in the future.

What If The VA Relationship Blows Up?

Some marriages end in horrible divorces with children scattered as casualties.  Unfortunately, the same can apply to a virtual assistant business relationship.

In this instance, move the business relationship back inside as quickly as possible, pick up the pieces in the relationship, and look forward to a new day to start over.  Regardless of why it blew up, your real estate business outsourcing needs likely haven’t changed.  So, after a reevaluation of what went wrong, it’s time to get back on the VA horse again.

Real Estate Virtual Assistant Benefits - Productivity

Real Estate Virtual Assistant Benefits Categories

1 – Real Estate Virtual Assistant Administration Activities

One of the primary real estate virtual assistant benefits is organizing your time and that of other personnel in the real estate agency. Consequently, this improves the productivity of everyone, allowing greater focus on the more important activities that will contribute to the success of the business.

Following are various real estate VA administrative activities that you should consider using:

  • Telephone Support
  • Email Correspondence
  • Customer Service Inquiries
  • Scheduling Of Meetings And Managing Personnel Calendars
  • Organizing Personal Activities (Family, Holiday Gifts, etc.)

Real Estate Virtual Assistant Benefits - Administration

2 – Real Estate Virtual Assistant Operations Tasks

A successful real estate agency requires many different operational functions to be consistently performed, at a high level of quality.  Basically, they can be categorized into either data entry or transaction management.

As you would suspect, the administration and sales staff of a busy real estate business is normally drowning in operational functions.   Consequently, these functions are rarely done on a consistent basis and, with inconsistent levels of quality.

Keeping the real estate business databases (sales and property management) up to date is essential. Consequently, the mundane activity of data entry and updating systems is a standard component of real estate virtual assistant benefits.

Correspondingly, each document, offer, evaluation, permit, application, listing, inquiry, etc. is a distinct transaction that needs to managed, tracked, and entered into the real estate business systems. Obviously, that’s a lot of data and a lot of lists.

Here are various real estate VA operational functions:

  • Data Entry | Transaction Management
  • Updating Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Collecting Feedback From Prospects, Clients And Internal Staff
  • Listing Presentations And Updates
  • Bookkeeping (Expenses, Bills, Reimbursements, Payroll, Financial Reporting)

VA Benefits - Operations

3 – Real Estate Virtual Assistant Marketing Functions

Your real estate business and staff are ALWAYS involved in marketing activities. Specifically, these marketing activities promote the buying or selling of your real estate portfolio of properties and complementary services.

Your real estate agency marketing includes all activities used to draw in customers and maintain relationships with them. Additionally, these include personal networking with potential or past clients, with the goal of seeking new business.   Consequently, one of the key real estate virtual assistant benefits is to help manage this broad scope of activities and the time needed to implement.

Here are various marketing tasks that your virtual assistant can provide to help grow your real estate agency:

  • Design Advertisements, Property Inserts, And Photos
  • Create Buyer Packets And Presentations
  • Sending Thank You Emails And  Appreciation Telephone Calls
  • Graphic Design For Digital And Print Inserts
  • Scheduling Emails And Blog Posts
  • Social Media Updates And Advertisement

VA Benefits - Marketing

4 – Real Estate Virtual Assistant Sales Activities

Your real estate business is all about sales.  Correspondingly, whether your sales team consists of just yourself or in combination with direct and indirect sales agents, productivity is key to your business success.

So, how does a real estate virtual assistant fit in?  Basically, your virtual assistant should be an extension of your inside sales staff.  Specifically, this sales function is related to lead generation, lead follow up, and whatever is required to help the sales team close more qualified prospects.

Lead generation and lead follow up take a variety of forms, takes time, and requires lots of effort. For example, real estate leads can result from cold calling, website inquiry forms, inbound telephone calls, social media, events, networking, and more.  Consequently, lead generation and lead follow up are important real estate virtual assistant benefits because they are used to move them through the sales funnel.

Below are sales functions your real estate virtual assistant should provide to your inside sales team:

  • Pre-Qualify Prospects (Telephone, Email, Social Media, Event, Chat)
  • Cold Call Foreclosure And For Sale By Owner Property Ads
  • Place Ads In Local Publications And Social Media
  • Data Entry of Initial Prospects In CRM And Follow Up With Sales Team
  • Schedule Prospects Appointments With Sales Team Calendar

VA Benefits - SalesDISCLOSURE: Nexus Teleservices is a Nearshore Real Estate Virtual Assistant Services business provider.

5 – Real Estate Virtual Assistant Market Research Tasks

You have heard the phrases before: “Location, location, location” and “It’s a buyer’s market”.  Unquestionably, understanding your local market is key to the success of a real estate business.  So, whether your agency focus is residential, commercial, and/or property management, investing in market research will help your long-term business success.

Real estate market analysis is a time consuming and detailed process.  While your sales team needs to have done, rarely is it the best option at doing so. So, this is where a real estate virtual assistant benefits your agency.

Listed below are virtual assistant market research tasks to help grow your real estate business:

  • Evaluating Recently Sold Property Versus Current Listings
  • Reviewing Pending And Expired Listings
  • Classifying Market Property Value Ranges Versus Agency Portfolio
  • Developing Property Comparison Reports (BPOs And CMAs)

VA Benefits - Market Research

6 – Real Estate Virtual Assistant Business Development Functions

Business development is simply all the ideas, initiatives and activities to make your real estate business better.  Similarly, using a real estate virtual assistant benefits your business since your investment improves its productivity, profitability, and growth.

Your real estate virtual assistant contributes to business development across sales, marketing, finance, project, and vendor management. Simply put, you define the business development direction and goals, while your virtual assistant acts as a doer to achieve them.

Listed below are real estate VA business development functions:

  • Prospect Communication And Social Media Management
  • Blogging Publication And Social Proof Development
  • Competitor Research And Analysis
  • Client Surveys, Testimonials, And Referrals
  • Professional Network Development Activities

Real Estate Virtual Assistant Benefits - Business Development

Real Estate Virtual Assistant Benefits Conclusion

The real estate profession offers challenging work demands and financial rewards. So, to improve your personal and professional situation, you should take advantage of the variety of real estate virtual assistant benefits.

We have presented how successful real estate business owners leverage virtual assistant benefits so that they can focus more on productive tasks and business opportunities.  Then, when you decide to hire a VA, you will need to define and prioritize your business needs.

Please call us at (888) 339-6699 to discuss how our nearshore real estate virtual assistant services will serve your business needs or Contact Us.

Comments (1)

I appreciate how clear you paint a picture of all the potential functions of a virtual assistant.

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