Real Estate Cold Calling

Our Real Estate Cold Calliing Services

We offer real estate cold calling services to a variety of clients.
Why choose us for your outsourcing needs?
We are very experienced and know how to make our clients successful.

Our real estate cold calling services allow your company to focus on your core business and long-term success.While we handle your real estate telemarketing, you can focus on business development, sales support, marketing, property management, and more.Consequently, outsourcing our cold calling services result in lower costs, higher efficiency, revenue, and ROI for your business.

Real Estate Cold Calling Services Overview

Real estate cold calling services is the direct marketing via the telephone of properties and related services to potential customers who have not had prior interaction with the salesperson. Basically, this is a form of telemarketing often referred to as “telesales,” involve contacting, vetting and approaching potential customers normally via a call center. Generally real estate agencies outsource cold calling services to maximize the time and efficiency of its in-house sales team of agents, with the goal of increasing sales conversions.

Real estate cold calling services are applicable for both Business-To-Business (commercial and investment properties) as well as Business-To-Consumer (residential properties) sales activities. While there are differences in the sales prospect profile, the call center outsourcing provider provides the knowledge and experience to effectively and efficiently personalize your telemarketing campaign.

Depending on your business preference, real estate cold calling services may follow a formal sales script or ad-lib when dealing with prospects. Consequently, how your offer is presented to potential customers is completely customizable to your specific needs and approval.

Outsourcing cold calling services are ideal for generating interest in your company, creating opportunities, and connecting with new potential customers. Also, cold calling services isn’t just about pitching your brand, your products, or your services. Rather, these are two-way conversations, which means you get to learn about your potential customers as well.

People Buy From People

Before your real estate company can present the benefits of using your services, you need to meet them first. Basically, it’s a really simple concept that is often forgotten by company management.

Our real estate cold calling services help put you in front of your target audience by the generation of leads and pre-qualified sales appointments. In brief, we knock on many doors (via telephone) and qualify those who open the door. Afterward, depending on how your agency prefers, we can simply schedule the time to re-knock the door or transfer in real-time the sales prospect to your in-house sales team to avoid delays.


Real estate agencies need a constant flow of sales leads and appointments for their in-house sales team. Also, while following up on leads and appointments, they have to split their time on the telephone cold calling for new sales prospects. Consequently, since no sale will happen without first speaking directly with a prospect, your in-house sales team will always prioritize sales closings over sales prospecting.

Your in-house sales team should be focused on closing sales and not cold calling prospects. Instead, this should be outsourced to a real estate cold calling services provider. Because the service provider has the personnel, systems, infrastructure, and experience to do this better, and at a lower cost. In brief, using our real estate cold calling services gives your sales agents more time and better opportunities to close sales.

Real Estate Cold Calling Services Help You Find New Customers

We can help your real estate agency grow by finding new customers as part of your inside sales team. While real estate companies understand what they sell and their benefits, they often miss sales opportunities for existing and new markets. So, we provide the real estate cold calling infrastructure (automated dialers, telecommunications), personnel, experience (scripts), and resources (prospect list sources) to help you bridge that gap to expand and grow your markets.

Leverage Previous/Existing Customers

Studies indicate that it is less expensive and more profitable for a company to keep its existing customers versus finding new customers. Consequently, whether it is increasing revenue per customer or new sales referrals, your real estate company´s existing (and previous) customers provide the base for future business growth. Accordingly, we offer extensive real estate telemarketing services experience talking with a company´s clients. Whenever possible, we will ask for customer referrals, that we can then cold call to start the nuturing process of new customer acquisition.

Cold Calling Services Help You Know Your Market

Our real estate cold calling services help companies by gathering data to understand their existing market and/or potential. While the importance of “location, location, location” is well understood by a real estate agency, often this receives low priority among other tasks. Conversely, outsourcing telemarketing market research is a process that is rapid, unfiltered, precise in detail, and highly flexible to change. Consequently, you can answer questions like What area are property values rising? Which sector is better for property investors? Who is the new competition and what do they do differently? What do your customers think of their experience? Obviously, the list can be wide-ranging.

Real Estate Customer Database Cleansing

Your real estate company customer database naturally grows over time and usually results in a drop off in quality. Basically, this is due to the loss of or changes to existing customers (contact, telephone number, Email, go out of business, etc.). As a result, your company´s customer database drops in quality and value as a means for generating new business and referrals. Accordingly, we provide real estate telemarketing services to cleanse a company´s customer database, resulting in a high-value sales asset.

Real Estate Cold Calling Lead Generation

All real estate companies have some type of sales lead generation process. Accordingly, this is performed by their inside or in-house sales team or via a real estate call center outsourcing provider.

Real estate cold calling services, along with direct marketing, local advertisement, Internet search, social media, and networking referrals all serve in leads generation activities. Because each communications channel has different strengths and audience focus, a real estate agency usually includes them all in its marketing portfolio.

Generally, real estate agencies use cold calling services since they understand that it is a fast, proactive, efficient, and effective way to identify targeted sales prospects. Basically, it is all about finding the people who are truly interested, have the budget, authority, and time-frame for your real estate service. As a result, the real estate in-house sales team can quickly respond to these potential sales opportunities and convert them to closings.

Streamline Sales Process

In today’s business environment, regardless of whatever service your real estate agency promotes, time is money. So your real estate sales team is constantly trying to keep up with the demands of their schedules and closing deals.

Using real estate cold calling services allows you to streamline your company’s sales process. Because outsourcing permits you to scale by lead demand, reduce costs, improve productivity and quality. Consequently, this results in higher sales conversions by your in-house sales team. Finally, a sales manager understands that the in-house sales agents are really best suited to sales conversions and not wasting time doing cold calling lead prospecting.

Given the investment for a company, it’s important that real estate cold calling services result in closing new business. So, instead of simply trying to talk to as many people as possible, our focus is talking to the right people, pre-qualified with the interest and authority to make purchasing decisions. Consequently, the sales opportunities we set are of high quality, your sales team has better meetings, and ultimately close more sales.

Real Estate Cold Calling Services Outsourcing

Real Estate Cold Calling Services Outsourcing

Telemarketing strategies are designed to help your company quickly find and narrow down the list of potential sales prospects. However, sales prospecting, lead generation, and appointment setting through your in-house sales team can be very difficult. Specifically, this is due to technology, personnel skills, experience, and motivation issues, which hamper efforts to daily reach new customer prospects. Accordingly, the solution is to outsource real estate cold calling services to an external provider.

Outsourcing telemarketing services set the foundation for the long-term, mutually-beneficial relationship between you and your real estate market. Consequently, it helps your company gain more new customers, maximize revenue, learn more about your customer base, and more. Also, you save time and money while focusing on closing sales instead of prospecting for leads.

How We Can Help

When you choose our real estate cold calling services, we can help you in the following ways:

  • Save Money By Lowering Customer Acquisitions
  • Increase New Customer Sign Ups
  • Save Time And Focus On Core Business Tasks
  • Improve Efficiency Of Your Sales Process
  • Scale Based On Your Changing Needs
  • Increase Revenue By Streamlining Your Sales Process
  • Gather Information Of Your Target Audience
  • Contact Business And Consumer Markets Alike

If your real estate agency is struggling to produce the level of sales you desire, we encourage you to consider using our real estate cold calling services. Because of our experience and trained specialists, we will help you grow your customer base. Basically, if the your in-house real estate agents can sell to pre-qualified sales appointments, then we will both be successful.

Company Resources and Risks

A real estate telemarketing program is an investment of resources and entails risks.  Consequently, Nexus Teleservices takes a consultative approach in its real estate telemarketing services to minimize your company’s investment and risk.  Accordingly, our staff reviews with your company throughout each step of the telemarketing program to assess results and, if necessary, make adjustments. Finally, we offer your company low minimums, flexible pilot programs, and customized pricing methods to allow you to focus on your core business.

Services Features


We provide telemarketing services using a variety of data sources: Client provides existing list; Client provides unqualified list; Nexus Teleservices provides an unqualified list.

We provide list scrubbing services to eliminate duplicate names and phone numbers. Also we provide list scrubbing services against Do Not Call lists to ensure regulatory compliance.


We offer both progressive and predictive telephone dialing systems for high levels of productivity and contact generation.

Our Customer Management System captures lead contact information and is exported to you daily for your analysis.


The telephone presentation (script) our staff uses is determined and fully customized by your company. So this ensures consistency of how we promote your brand, product, or service.

We offer you suggestions on fine tuning the telephone presentation, based on our years of real-world experience.


We can live-transfer a “hot” appointment to your internal sales staff for immediate follow up.

Otherwise we “book” the appointment using an online calendar system that we both share and have visibility.

Online voice recordings of the appointment are provided for your preparation and follow up activities.

If there is a need to send information to the sales prospect prior to the appointment we can do that via email or SMS text.

Telemarketing Services Industries

Call Center Outsourcing Services