Blog Management Virtual Assistant

Blog Management Virtual Assistant Services

When you hire a Blog Management Virtual Assistant you get to focus on your
business productivity while saving time and money. Basically, that is the idea.

You may also hire a Blog Management Virtual Assistant when your business needs to establish brand recognition and authority to increase sales prospects.
Consequently, we offer you the flexibility to choose and adapt as your business needs change and evolve.

Finally, our goal is to help your business grow and be more successful.
Because after all, that is what a successful business relationship is all about.


A Blog Management Virtual Assistant provides blog content production and maintenance services from our nearshore facilities to business owners. Basically, the Blog Management Virtual Assistant provides the maintenance, monitoring and content development of the business’ online blog presence. Consequently this improves your company’s Internet presence to increase brand recognition, brand loyalty, and brand authority. As a result, this provides more opportunities to convert and increase inbound traffic at a decreased marketing cost.

Since a business blog’s content and the audience generally evolves, a business owner can delegate the routine tasks of content creation and publication and save significant time to focus on more important matters. Furthermore, business blog content development is time-consuming and requires “writer creative skills”, easily justifying using a specialized third-party source. Finally, a Blog Management Virtual Assistant helps a business track its “Internet publication plan” which requires structure, discipline, and analytics to evaluate results.

A business owner understands that blog management requires writing skills rarely available on his/her staff. Hence, outsourcing these tasks is a practical alternative. Consequently, similar to the maintenance of a vehicle, blog administration needs to be performed and usually by a trained third-party vendor.

Successful business owners use outsourcing to a Blog Management Virtual Assistant to allow their personnel better suited to focus on other more productive business opportunities. Obviously, it is just a smart business decision.

Blog Administration Virtual Assistant

It is increasingly important for small businesses to develop a strong Internet presence to engage and communicate with their customers.  Presently it is no longer sufficient for a business to have a simple website with a few pictures of happy customers, some slogans and a contact form.  Rather, the competitive nature of the global economy demands that a business go further to outdistance its competitors.

Blogging is a relatively inexpensive investment for a small business to drive traffic to its website (where the action is).  Indeed, blogging enhances inbound marketing efforts, strengthens credibility, and attracts more prospective customers.  Obviously, these are goals that all businesses desire.

In brief, consistent blogging is one of the most effective ways to build company brand awareness, while providing relevant, directed content to your target audience.  In effect, it’s just the smart thing for a business owner to do, but blogging must be CONSISTENT and of HIGH QUALITY.  Basically that where your Blog Administration Virtual Assistant steps in.

Blogging is like social media in that it is a long-term investment that offers many benefits to a business owner. Basically, it allows the business to reach out to its customers and to gain the attention of more future potential customers.

Most business owners realize how important it is to have a website to establish credibility and market their products and services via the Internet. Consequently, investing in blogging provides an exceptional boost to Search Engine Optimization helping make your business website more visible, driving additional visitor traffic. As a result, some of these visitors likely get converted into new customers.

An effective blogging strategy will have a positive effect on sales as it increases the overall exposure of your business. Basically, this gets people talking about your business and exposes your products and services to a far wider audience.

Blogging Presence

Once your business made the decision to jump into the Internet and invest in a website, there were a variety of costs that you accepted.  For example, these include website domain, design, hosting, maintenance, and administration.  However, these website costs have then evolved to include SEO consultation, pay-per-click Internet advertisement, social media management, and blogging administration.

Using an economical, nearshore blog management VA can significantly reduce your company’s blogging administrative support costs and increase the quality and effectiveness of your website.  Also, you will likely see an increase in the return on investment of your website marketing investment.

Regardless of how your company has supported blogging activities, using a dedicated Blog Management Virtual Assistant is a more cost-effective solution with a variety of benefits. Basically, this is a key element of small business outsourcing.

  • A business will often designate blogging support activities to the marketing staff (usually an aspiring communication journalist), depending upon who has some free time available. Accordingly, the blogging work gets done when time allows and is of suspect quality. As a result, a dedicated Blog Administration Virtual Assistant can resolve this challenge to the business owner.
  • Blogging is like social media and brand advertisement, is a long-term marketing investment and a challenge is quantify the results. However, your blog administration VA can provide you with analytical data to help provide visibility of what is and what is not working.
  • Anyone involved in business knows that a single negative comment can be more harmful than just about anything else. Since you WANT to receive comments on your business blog and have your blog articles shared with other readers, your business needs to respond quickly in a professional manner. Hence your dedicated Blog Administration Virtual Assistant can swiftly respond as needed plus provide feedback to the business management.
  • Your blog administration VA can help support your market research because blogging is an efficient way of engaging existing and prospective customers. For example, your business can conduct surveys or polls related to your products and services. Alternatively, your VA can also see what your competitors are doing, which aids the planning of your business strategies. Obviously, your sales and marketing staff would love to know how best to beat their competitors.
  • Your blog administration VA helps give others a lucid sense of the corporate standards, business character, vision, and personality of your company.  Simultaneously, since your blogs can be shared by readers, this creates the potential for viral traffic and exponential market growth.  Therefore your Blog Administration Virtual Assistant is really an ideal option for website blogging.

VA Functions


Blogging is a long-term investment for the business. So, your Blog Management Assistant starts with a basic review of the business’ blogging priorities, goals and schedule. For example, business blogging goals might include: brand awareness, increased traffic to website, lead generation, new customers, etc. But, if there is no existing blogging business plan, one will be developed.


The blogging investment for your business involves time, article development, posting and administration of your blog distribution. However, it all starts with the article development and whether it is effective “engaging” blog visitors. For example, what article topics, writing style, design format, graphics result in reader comments and sharing with social media channels? Given that your blog audience profile will evolve and change with time, this self-evaluation is ongoing and dynamic.


The Blog Management Virtual Assistant develops a publication calendar based on the quantity and frequency of posting desired, content development schedule, third-party posting and other factors. Consequently this provides discipline and prioritization of blog management VA activities. Generally a cloud-based shared document application is used for blog review with the business owner.

More VA Functions


A Blog Management Virtual Assistant supports drafting posts, reformatting posts, optimizing posts, refreshing posts, repurposing posts and more. Correspondingly the blog management VA dedicates more resources based on the priority of the business and the analytical results being measured. For example, a business may decide to heavily support new content posts rather than third-party guest posts because that’s producing the greatest number of visitors.  Alternatively, refreshing older posts with updated content, might produce similar visitor results, while requiring less time and effort.


As the gorilla in the room (Google) constantly reminds everyone: “Content is king!” Correspondingly, your Blog Administration Virtual Assistant faces the constant challenge of quantity and quality of posting content, plus the frequency of publication.  Also there is the level of cross-posting and guest posting to complementary blog post on your business’ behalf. In short, the broader the distribution of your blog articles, the better for your business.  Unquestionably this is one of the key reasons a business should consider a dedicated blog management VA.


If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it, so the saying goes. Consequently, using website analytic data allows the Blog Management Virtual Assistant to determine how your business blog is performing in terms of visitor traffic and length of participation. As a result, the articles that generate the most inbound traffic may suggest posting like articles in the future.  Similarly, guest posts on a complementary website may indicate a high return for time invested, particularly if the posts are repackaged.

Why Work With Us

  • We Offer You A No Obligation Virtual Assistant Hiring Contract.
  • You Can Choose Either A 20 Or 40 Hours Per Week VA Hiring.
  • Each VA Contract Is Monthly, Auto-Renewable.
  • We Request A 15 Day Notice Of Virtual Assistant Cancellation.
  • There Are No Penalties If You Decide Not To Renew Your VA Hiring.
  • Nexus Teleservices Has Provided Outsourcing Services For Many Years.
  • Our Virtual Assistant Services Is Simply Small Business Outsourcing.
  • We Understand The Importance Of Transparency And Trust In VA Outsourcing.
  • We Are Committed To A Long-Term Business Relationship.
  • The Goal Of Our VA Services Is To Contribute To Your Business Success.

Other Reasons To Work With Us

  • Our Quality Assurance Personnel Monitors Your Hired VA To Ensure On-Time, Consistent Delivery Of Your Contracted Services.
  • The QA Staff Reviews VA Attendance, Work Activities, Proficiency Of Skills And Your Evaluation Of Services Delivered.
  • All VA Activities Are At Our Facilities With 7×24 Security Control.
  • VA Workstation Activities (Time, Work Tasks, And Display Screenshots) In Real-Time Via Our Monitoring Software.
  • You Have Internet Access To VA Daily, Weekly Reports Plus Display Screenshots.
  • Virtual Assistants Are People And Sometimes It’s Not The Right Fit.
  • As A Result, We Provide You A VA Replacement Guarantee At No Additional Fee.
  • If The VA Is Not The Right Fit For Your Business, We Will Replace The VA.
  • Simply Advise Us (Tel: 888-339-6699 or Email: And We Will Provide You A New VA.
  • Our Continuity Planning Provides For Secondary VA Coverage.
  • We Do Not Want You To Worry About Your Business.

VA Additional Resources

All of our Virtual Assistants have access to an extensive range of resources to provide your company the services needed to help your success. Following is a brief list: Dedicated VA Team Leader, Time Tracking Software, Predictive and Manual Automated Dialers, Project Management Tools, Video Conferencing, Online Chat, Education, and Training.